Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples



The soul stutters. Protests weakness. 

Earthen vessels live fragile at times. 

Trying too hard when it’s time to be still. Waiting too long when it’s time to move.

Resisting when He says speak. Stalling as He calls me somewhere out of my current comfort zone. 

Hesitation. Image by Umit Bulut on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir


Deathly pale in light of the vision. No strength. 

Alone and overwhelmed to the point of exhaustion, Daniel drops. Face to the ground. 

Powerless. Speechless. Unable to breathe.

And the Lord responds to His servant. With tenderness and strength.

Speechless. Image by Mads Schmidt Rasmussen.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

Earthen vessel

Through the years, Paul’s description rings true. God forms the earthen vessel for a purpose.

To display His truth. Reveal His glory. 

Somewhere along the way 2 Corinthians 4:7 becomes a life verse for me. A reminder of my weakness and His strength. What I’m here for.

But one year, I wrestle with that image. In a new way. Because someone I always consider strong is suddenly weak. 

Earthen vessel. Image by Random Institute on Unsplash.