Crossing Cultures Memoir

Safest place

We heard it repeated. Often. “Being in the center of God’s will is the safest place to be.”

Well, yes. 

But safest can be interpreted in different ways. 

We were living in a city where Taliban congregated and proliferated. 

One political party’s slogan read “Sell your televisions and buy guns.” As they sought to overthrow the ruling party by force. 

Safest was not the first word that came to mind.

Safest place.
Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

Handful of disciples

After the Resurrection. After the coming of the Holy Spirit. The Lord uses a handful of disciples. 

Making His way known through the few. 

Living sacrifices. Faithfully taking the gospel to Jerusalem. Judea. Samaria. And the ends of the earth.

They’re the talk of the Roman Empire.

To the ends of the earth. Image by Kirk Lai on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

“Let the little children…”

During those first years in Karachi, I struggled to find a place of morning quiet. With the Lord. 

We were navigating the muddle of culture shock and power breakdowns. Learning a language with completely new sounds and an unfamiliar alphabet. 

Trying to establish a rhythm for preparing clean water to drink. For getting food on the table. Daily.

And figuring out how to parent our children. I gave birth to our first child at the age of 33. And soon experienced what I now refer to as “mother shock.”  

Murree, Pakistan. 1993.