Devotional Memoir

Complicated grief

Some days, when it can’t get any worse, it does. Leading to a complicated grief.

This tangled story of deception is not ours alone. 

No. All along the darkening path, we meet others who know. And understand.

Complicated grief. Image by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

The rest of the story

What happened? In the unknown, we wonder. What’s the rest of the story?

A specific encounter comes to mind. One seemingly orchestrated. Timely. A divine appointment with gospel flowing. 

And genuine interest on her part. Hunger to know. In fact, she relates a series of events. That have brought her to this point. This place. 

Sitting in my Karachi living room.

Next page of the story. Image by Florian Klauer on Unsplash.

Reflect and trust

The candle flame moves. Flickers. Casting large shadows on the walls. I sit in the edges of its light. 

All the celebrations of last week give way to winter quiet.  Time to remember and reflect. Looking towards the future. 

In past seasons there was little time for this quiet space. A long one, anyway. The season of raising three young children comes to mind. 

Even then, the hurry in my soul needed me to sit. Rest. Looking to the One who knows my days.  

Candlelight. Photo by David Tomaseti, Unsplash.