Devotional Making Disciples

Unfolding year

Unfolding year before us. Already scheduled with best-laid plans that can so quickly come apart. Scatter. 

The unexpected changes calendars. Disrupts orderly lives. Next steps. 

A look back at the past year is case-in-point.

Unfolding year. Image by Behnam Norouzi on Unsplash.
Devotional Memoir


The problem of pain sits in shadows. Valleys. Sometimes hidden.

Walking by faith, we navigate broken streets. And journey with hurting people.

Face to face with a biblical reality.

“For we know that the whole creation groans…” (Romans 8:22 NASB).

Path of pain. Image by Peter Forster on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples Memoir


Storm. Sometimes it comes out of nowhere. Fierce. Sudden. Unpredictable. 

The recent tornado in Tennessee roared through. In the middle of the night. Unexpected. Devastating.

Today COVID19 continues spreading across the globe at a rapid pace. Insidious. Unsettling. Unknown.

And traveling along under the radar, another kind of storm. Often unspoken. Filtering through conversations and across the airwaves. 


Storm. Photo by Luka Vovk. Unsplash.