Devotional Making Disciples Memoir

Pray for the persecuted

In days of distress and disgrace, a written message arrives. From the enemy. 

Dire threats. Mocking words. Blasphemy.

And Hezekiah goes to the temple. Spreading out the letter of his adversary before the Lord.

This king’s response informs my praying. For the persecuted. Those suffering greatly today. In the face of opposition to the gospel.

Pray for the persecuted. Image from imb photos.
Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

Sharing hope in the dark

We dodge auto rickshaws and taxis and goats, crossing a main road. Ten years ago in India. 

Our guide asks if we can go to the red light district and pray.  Saying, “Be ready. The spiritual battle is intense.” 

We step around the corner, into a lane. And I see them. Women in front of narrow doorways on a broken street. Some just sitting. Staring. 

Others take care of daily tasks—cooking rice, washing clothes, feeding children. 

Ordinary things. 

Down the dark lane. Photo by Lakshay, Unsplash photos.
Crossing Cultures Making Disciples

Keep singing

The wilderness soundtrack sounds like desert thirst. Barren field. Little fruit. 

We sit in a conference with workers from some of those fields. Where the gospel has been sung. Refrain after refrain. 

To no response.

Their voices strain at the chords. Lament in the place of veiled hearts. Where darkness is palpable. 

I remember. The struggle to keep singing in the land where captives remained captive. Hearts closed to the One and Only.

Keep singing. Photo by John Price, Unsplash