Devotional Memoir


Death is the deep shadow. 

Chasm of uninvited separation. Abrupt change. And tangible loss. 

I miss Mom’s voice. Her hugs. Her laugh. And her interest in every little detail. Her focus on what is true and good. Her enthusiasm for learning and growing. Her love for God, His Word. And her example in faithful prayer.

This week would have been her 93rd birthday on earth. 

Chasm. Image by Brandon Griggs on Unsplash.
Devotional Memoir


When Someday seems too far, the fragile heart mourns. Torn. Tender. 

Walking in the weight of sorrow. 

Sitting in the dark.

And we cry out for rocky paths made smooth. The broken place, whole. Strong winds and high waves, stilled.

Longing to affirm the true. And say we are crushed but not in despair.

Someday. Image by Brian Erickson on Unsplash.

Unto us

Unto us a Child is born.

Unto us. In a broken world. Where sorrow runs deep. And grief overwhelms. 

Where loss breaks our hearts.

And we forget to breathe.

Unto us a Child is born. Image by Tim Umphries on Unsplash.