Devotional Making Disciples

Earthen vessels

Simple earthen vessels. There they are. 

Wading through laws in Leviticus, I see them. In the details. Amid ritual regulations for priests, Levites, and the people of God. 

Earthenware. Photo by Sebastian del Val, Pixabay.

In these particular earthen pots, they boil the sin offering. That only priests may eat. 

Their use is short-lived in the days of the Old Covenant. Bronze bowls can be scrubbed clean. Earthenware can’t. 

Making Disciples Memoir

Cry out

This past week, I sit numb. Shaken. Shocked by sheer brutality.

And cry out for the ones who can’t breathe. 

Weep for those with necks slammed against asphalt under the knee of racism. Relentless, insidious racism. Again and again.

The snake slithers. Just beneath the surface of society. Often hidden in the dark. Feeding pride and arrogance. Fear. Prejudice. 


Minneapolis, May 2020. Photo by Josh Hild, Unsplash photos.
Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

The other pandemic

We meet for lunch. Fellowship over Mediterranean food. Simply connecting while all around us the global spread of a virus ensues. Intensifies.

Events cancel. Borders tighten. Universities move to virtual classrooms. Our best-laid plans are disrupted. Interrupted. Changed.

We sit in sunshine and cool air. Sisters conversing about life journeys. Children. The hard and unexpected turns in the path this past year. The joy of following Him.

Empty chairs. Photo by Dewang Gupta, Unsplash.