Devotional Making Disciples


Clear visual. The prophet lying on his left side for 390 days. Then turning over to lie on his right side for 40 days.

Communicating to Israel and Judah the weight of their sin. And dire consequences. Great discomfort in the coming siege.

By way of illustration.

Visual. Image by Max Saeling on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples

Ordained plan

Ordained plan. From the beginning. 

But religious leaders of the day were not picking up on God’s Word revealed. Prophecy fulfilled.

They just heard what Jesus said. And knew without a doubt by His choice of words: this rabbi, with his ragtag followers, was claiming to be God.  


And they were furious. Deadly furious. 

He would not be tolerated. 

Ordained plan. Isaiah 53. Image by Tim Wildsmith on Unsplash.

Paths and prophets

Ancient paths. The image fixed in my mind is a smooth clay trail in the bamboo forest. A path of my childhood. Worn by years of feet traveling from one ridge to the next. Winding through the valley. Around boulders and past simple thatch homes.

Bamboo grove. Oil painting from Bandung, Indonesia.

It’s an old path. A good path. That takes me where I need to go.