Forgiven little? Loving little.
Simon invites Jesus to a meal in his home. Holding Him at arm’s length. Studying the Master.
And in the midst of critical scrutiny, he foregoes the most basic act of hospitality.
Washing the feet of his guest.
Forgiven little? Loving little.
Simon invites Jesus to a meal in his home. Holding Him at arm’s length. Studying the Master.
And in the midst of critical scrutiny, he foregoes the most basic act of hospitality.
Washing the feet of his guest.
Fragments of divided hearts scatter. In the winds of social media.
Bits and pieces of pride. Rebellion. Hate. Anger.
And the very avenues that can draw people together, turn and twist. Break trust. Splinter relationships.
Slander and gossip crowd in.
Calculated deception.
Articulated for the very purpose of division and destruction.
Rhythm and order. Discipline. With a pattern specifically laid out for God’s people in the Old Testament.
Daily. Weekly. Monthly. Annually.
With sacrifices. Sacred assemblies. Festivals.
Divinely-designed schedules. Reminding them to remember. And honor the Lord their God.
As a people set apart for His glory.