Devotional Making Disciples

Rhythm and order

Rhythm and order. Discipline. With a pattern specifically laid out for God’s people in the Old Testament.

Daily. Weekly. Monthly. Annually. 

With sacrifices. Sacred assemblies. Festivals. 

Divinely-designed schedules. Reminding them to remember. And honor the Lord their God. 

As a people set apart for His glory. 

Rhythm and order. A woman in South Asia reads her Bible. Image from
Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples Memoir


Colorful skeins of thread surround him. And neutral strings on the loom show no pattern to follow. As far as I can see. 

But the old carpet maker knows. 

Thread by thread. Hour by hour. Day by day. 

He works the loom, creating a rich pattern. A map of threads he already had in mind when he started.

The carpet maker at Afghan Carpets in the 1990s. Karachi.