Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples

Abiding in Christ

Abiding in Christ. It seems like a given. The common, daily practice of a follower of Jesus. 

But in the midst of vision casting and formulating strategies for work and life, abiding in Christ too easily moves to the periphery. 

We may take it for granted. Give it only lip service.

photo by nik macmillan on unsplash
Devotional Memoir

Prodigal, part 2

It’s early 2013. Delhi, India. And I’m standing at the bathroom sink. Crying out to the Father. Again.

I can see the marble counter. The dingy mirror. Remember the blur of anguish. Helplessness. 

“What are we to do, Lord? How do we help our son?”

The Lord has already made two things clear to me in that season (as detailed in Prodigal, Part 1). 

1. Wait. Wait on the Lord. 
2. Devote yourself to prayer. 

Now I’m standing on the tile floor, in evening shadows. Pleading.

Devotional Memoir

Heart cry

She lost her faith, she says. I read the interview and pause on the photograph.

Her eyes are sad. Haunting.

Throughout the day her heart cry crosses my mind and I pray for her. For others like her giving up on faith. Walking out on worship. 

Empty. Doubting. 

Empty. Photo by Trent Erwin. Unsplash.