Winter grey. And snow remains. On the edges. In corners.
Hidden from the sun. By shelter and shadow.
Held captive by cold. Temperatures never rising quite far enough.
Winter’s fringes remain visible today. From where I sit. Looking through glass.

Winter grey. And snow remains. On the edges. In corners.
Hidden from the sun. By shelter and shadow.
Held captive by cold. Temperatures never rising quite far enough.
Winter’s fringes remain visible today. From where I sit. Looking through glass.
Star light. Star bright.
Catching the eyes of those who study night skies.
Radiance. Set apart. Outshining all the others.
Something unusual is going on. Beyond normal star patterns. And they mark the time of its appearing.
I look up in the early dark of winter sky. And think about those wise men long ago.
We cross Bourbon Street to the beat. Jazz filters out of various establishments down the lane and around the corners.
Colorful lights and tunes draw us into the restaurant. Our party of six is ushered up narrow wooden steps to one of several dining rooms on the second floor.
Derrick the waiter greets us. And proceeds to describe the night’s special offerings in smooth, rapid New Orleans speech. We catch some of what he says, guessing at the rest. And look at the extensive menu of Cajun and Creole dishes.
After unhurried perusal, we order.