I took it for granted growing up. A sense of humor was encouraged and nurtured in our home.
Laughter has refreshed my heart often in the years since. And humor helps me endure. Persevere. Through the mundane. And when the going gets tough.

I took it for granted growing up. A sense of humor was encouraged and nurtured in our home.
Laughter has refreshed my heart often in the years since. And humor helps me endure. Persevere. Through the mundane. And when the going gets tough.
The Proverbs 31 woman. You know who I’m talking about. The description of her daily life has never been an easy read for me.
Don’t get me wrong. I like her ingenuity. I admire her levels of achievement. Her evident wisdom. Truly.
Think about it.
Sarah. Wife of Abraham. Her desolate womb is noted the first time she’s ever mentioned in the Bible. What an introduction.
Beautiful Sarai left all she’d ever known because God called her husband Abram to go out. Out from the familiar. Out from his land, his relatives, his father’s house.