Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

Unexpected ways

Unexpected ways. How He pierces hearts. Pursues the lost lamb.

Opens eyes to see. And ears to hear.

During our years in a desert city, a believer shares her story. Tells me the very moment she turned and followed Christ. 

Reading Scripture. And not the usual evangelistic passage.

But pointing to the One who is worthy of our praise. 

Unexpected ways. Image by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash.

Slow walk in the Word

Read through the Bible in a year. I take the challenge years ago. And eventually it becomes a regular practice. Using various plans. McCheyne’s. Or our church’s outline for the congregation.

Sometimes I take a year. Other times, two.

The daily plunge covers a lot of ground through the Old and New Testaments. A big-picture look at Scripture. 

The breadth and depth of His Word challenges and captivates me. 

Slow walk in the Word. Photo by Aaron Burden, Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

Looking for beauty

We’ve lived in places of extraordinary beauty.  The spectacular so commonplace in my daily view that I forget what I have. Right in front of me.

Then there are the other places. The hard, trashed out, desert places. No electricity on the hottest days. Water shortages. Just plain, hard living. 

I forget in those settings too.  Forget to look for the beauty.

In my last post, I shared part of that journey to find it even in the unlikely places.

And through a variety of countries and cultures along the way, I’ve learned a few simple things.