Hard-hearted Pharaoh.
Plague after plague,
he refuses the request
or goes back on his word.
Misery yields his
confession of sin. [Exodus 10:16-17]

Hard-hearted Pharaoh.
Plague after plague,
he refuses the request
or goes back on his word.
Misery yields his
confession of sin. [Exodus 10:16-17]
Wordless. I don’t know what to say. How to pray.
But longing stirs. Hunger to hear Your voice. See Your lamp shining in the dark.
I try to look ahead. Nearsighted vision blurs the future. Shapes without edges loom. Nothing is clear.
So I open the Scriptures. Hold Your Word close. And read in black and white, words on the page.
On July 16, 2015, our prodigal’s story changed. Today is the anniversary of that day. And below, in his own words, our son tells his story. Many people across the world prayed for him over several years. Praying for more than they knew at the time. To them we say: Thank you. Here is the answer to those prayers.