Crossing Cultures Making Disciples

Gospel conversations

The lines were forming to board several Air Asia flights out of Penang. I asked the woman behind me if this was the line for Singapore. Yes. She was also going to Singapore.  She asked which seat I was in. 18B.  Her seat? 18A. 

Once we boarded, I found out she was traveling to visit her brother and sister who are now Singaporean citizens. I was going there to overnight with our daughter before heading to the US.  

In further conversation, we talked about the weather and she said, “I like cold weather.” 

In this tropical country? “Where do you go for cold weather?” 

“London,” she said and shared that her other sister had lived there until her sudden death from cancer the year before.  I told her I was sad to hear of her loss.

In flight.
Devotional Making Disciples

Repent and believe

“Repent! Turn from your wicked ways.” Images of a street corner preacher flicker across my mind. My wicked ways as a child involved telling a lie about sneaking a piece of candy. Or pinching my brother and sister.  Or talking back to my parents. Hardly the stuff of dramatic “repent and believe” testimonies. 

After I repented and believed as a child, I was baptized. Thus began my walk with the Lord. That initial “repent and believe” is the forever turning point in my life. The time Jesus saved me from my sin. He put His seal, the Holy Spirit, on my heart. I am His for eternity.