Devotional Making Disciples


Benedict of Nursia (480-547) first formed his Rule for the abbey he served in Monte Cassino, Italy. 

Last year I grew curious about what this guide contained. And one particular practice caught my attention. It meant the monks of his monasteries lived on a steady diet of Psalms.

They repeated the entire book each week. 

Psalms. Image by Emmanuel Phaeton on Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples Memoir


From a young age, I heard about Jesus and His love. Sang songs about Him. Listened as my parents read Bible stories. Our family prayed often.  I was loved and cared for.

And yet. 

And yet I was lost. Fearful. Felt the darkness. Something wasn’t right. And I knew it. “Do not lie” seemed to compel me toward that very thing. Lying. 

Something wasn’t right and I knew it…
Crossing Cultures Devotional


The urban forum. A gathering of the nations. We explore cities together. Examining them from various angles and worldviews. 

One particular presentation leads us to unmapped neighborhoods. Unnamed places. In the depths of an urban slum. 

Pushing out from the edge of a global city.

Streets and paths. Crossroads. Unmarked. Yet densely populated. With living, breathing communities.

Mumbai, India. Slums and city buildings. Photo by