Devotional Making Disciples

Abiding with little and much

Abiding in Christ. It’s how we live and grow as believers. How we stay rooted. And fruitful.

Woman studying the Bible
My parents have taught me by example how to abide in Christ through prayer and the Word. In little and in much.

But what happens when the props are gone? No church down the street or across town. No familiar worship gathering in the heart language.  

What happens when you don’t have a list of small group Bible studies to choose from. No Bible study workbooks for purchase. 

And the internet is unreliable. Spotty. Occasional. 

Perhaps you’ve been there. Or you are there.

Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

Where is home?

We move across the world. Connect with new cultures. Plant our lives in soil so different from what we’ve ever known before. 

Airport arrival
One of our favorite airports. December 2013

Where is home? 

The question crosses our minds. Simmers. Hangs in the air.

If we put down roots here, what happens to the other places we’ve called home? 


Pressing in on Jesus

In other readings of Luke 5, I’ve passed over these words. But this time they grab my attention. Verse 1 says the crowd was “pressing in on Jesus to hear God’s Word.”  

Pressing in. There’s hunger expressed in those words. A yearning for what is real and true. 

I want to press in and hear God’s Word, drawing near to the One who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Abiding.

Sometimes it’s the hunger of my soul to do so. Other times it’s the fruit of a formed habit. Pure and simple discipline. 

Regardless, I know it’s essential. Necessary.