
Pressing in on Jesus

In other readings of Luke 5, I’ve passed over these words. But this time they grab my attention. Verse 1 says the crowd was “pressing in on Jesus to hear God’s Word.”  

Pressing in. There’s hunger expressed in those words. A yearning for what is real and true. 

I want to press in and hear God’s Word, drawing near to the One who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Abiding.

Sometimes it’s the hunger of my soul to do so. Other times it’s the fruit of a formed habit. Pure and simple discipline. 

Regardless, I know it’s essential. Necessary.

The tyranny of the urgent

In college, I read a booklet called The Tyranny of the Urgent by Charles E. Hummel.  It highlighted a struggle I was having. The urgent and immediate demands on my time were taking precedence over the most important things. Choosing to set aside the “urgent” in order to focus on the priority meant denying myself and my inclination toward distraction.

Today the tyranny of the urgent is at a whole new level. It’s the tyranny of instant access. 

It’s not the home phone ringing off the wall, it’s the iPhone buzzing in my pocket. No matter where I am. 

It’s not the newspaper sitting on my doorstep, it’s multiple news apps updating constantly with the latest headlines. 

It’s not letters arriving in the mailbox every now and then, it’s email 24/7. And instant social media posts and life updates from friends and acquaintances around the world. 

I’m learning to set aside “instant access” these days in order to focus on what is essential.  Abiding. It’s necessary.

Suitcase seasons

Unexpected or even planned life changes have a way of getting me off-kilter too. Like the suitcase seasons. Moving from place to place. Unable to fully unpack. Perhaps you’ve been there.

Temporary can be wearing.  

In the constant change of location and routine one year, I had to find spaces to be still before the Lord. It was all too easy to let pressing matters replace the pressing in. To excuse neglect of focused time with the Lord. 

So I found those “prayer closets” along the way—the kitchen table, a living room chair, a desk. And learned to press in on Jesus to hear God’s Word, regardless of the setting. 

The discipline of keeping my eyes on the Source and Perfecter of my faith keeps me on track in the upheaval. It’s necessary.

He teaches me

Jesus had a brief window of ministry on earth. He was followed by crowds of people desperate for immediate attention. Always someone who needed His healing touch. Or His answer to a question. Urgent matters.

But He teaches me priorities by His example. 

Yet [Jesus] often withdrew to deserted places and prayed” (Luke 5:16). 

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, [Jesus] got up, went out, and made his way to a deserted place, and there he was praying” (Mark 1:35).

In the midst of ministry, Jesus knew the necessary. What was truly important. Time alone with the Father in prayer. Often.

Pulling away from the crowd didn’t lessen His impact. It provided what was needed to continue fulfilling the work He was on earth to do.


Abiding in Christ through prayer and the Word anchors me. Pressing in to Him keeps me honest—conscious of my weakness and His strength. Withdrawing to listen and pray sharpens my focus on what truly matters. Corrects. Instructs. Nourishes. Sustains. 

It’s necessary because I can’t live without Him.

I’m pressing in.

What about you?

Do you struggle with the tyranny of instant access?  What has helped you in the discipline of pressing in to hear God’s Word?

related posts: Secret PlaceOpen to His Word  ; Living water

8 replies on “Pressing in on Jesus”

In the spirit of letting go of constant interruptions, I’ve deleted Facebook from my phone. Now when I have time on a bus or at an appointment, I listen to a podcast or read a blog post 💖

I disable notifications on Instagram & Facebook and try to only look at them once a day.

What keeps me pressing in is fear/uncertainty. The Lord keeps putting me in situations where i have to lean on Him. Setting a time to do this is also helpful. I recently started writing out my prayers to help me concentrate…

Yes, putting prayer into actual prayers written on a page brings me to cutting out what is clutter. This, in turn, often brings clarity. My, how our thoughts can wander or start on even very different subjects!
I always look forward to your Monday writings.
Love you,

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