Christmas season. And I read through the Book of Isaiah. A chapter each day.
At least, that’s the plan. But then comes Isaiah 6.
And I don’t want to stop.
Christmas season. And I read through the Book of Isaiah. A chapter each day.
At least, that’s the plan. But then comes Isaiah 6.
And I don’t want to stop.
We move across the world. Connect with new cultures. Plant our lives in soil so different from what we’ve ever known before.
Where is home?
The question crosses our minds. Simmers. Hangs in the air.
If we put down roots here, what happens to the other places we’ve called home?
In the long dark, we cannot see. Fog obscures the way ahead in a difficult situation. It’s complicated. A strange labyrinth of deceit. What are we to do?
We’ve prayed. For years. Crying out to the Lord our God. Pleading for the deceived to be set free. The broken healed.
Solutions offered but resisted. Denied. Every avenue tried, fruitless.
What are we to do?