Crossing Cultures Memoir

Keeping a sense of humor

I took it for granted growing up. A sense of humor was encouraged and nurtured in our home.

Laughter has refreshed my heart often in the years since. And humor helps me endure. Persevere.  Through the mundane. And when the going gets tough.

Laughter in the Laff household.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

Take up His yoke

The challenge given to us that day was purposeful. Powerful. 

To stay in the Word like our lives depend on it. Because they do. And to speak the Word like their lives depend on it. Because they do. 

We caught the urgency. To share with the millions. And with the neighbor across the street.

Market in India. imb photo.
Devotional Memoir

Heart cry

She lost her faith, she says. I read the interview and pause on the photograph.

Her eyes are sad. Haunting.

Throughout the day her heart cry crosses my mind and I pray for her. For others like her giving up on faith. Walking out on worship. 

Empty. Doubting. 

Empty. Photo by Trent Erwin. Unsplash.