Crossing Cultures Memoir

Unexpected surrender

Unexpected surrender started with an invitation. Out of the blue. To consider a role in the U.S. 

And our immediate thought? No. Can’t be right. Our calling is cross-cultural. Among the nations. 

Besides, we weren’t ready to leave South Asia and her people. The place had wrestled its way into our hearts.

Then another ask came. To focus on megacities in South Asia. Surely that’s the one, we thought. Fits our heart and skill set. New city. Same area of the world.

Unexpected surrender. Image by Jack Stapleton on Unsplash.
Devotional Memoir

Be anxious for nothing

Anxious thoughts. Skirting the edges. Almost incognito. 

Fears. Simmering just below the surface.

Concerns for loved ones and various situations. Rippling through as world crises ramp up. 

Then, His Word. Memorized long ago. Invades with precision. Cutting through the muddle.

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God” (Philippians 4:6 NASB).

“Be anxious for nothing….” Image by Jeremy Yap, Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Memoir

Arrivals and departures

Arrivals and departures. Travel patterns of individuals. Families. Groups.   

People of various languages and cultures and ethnicities. In the ebb and flow through airports. 

Walking the halls. Rushing from one terminal to another.

Or sitting. Wandering. Sleeping. 

While they wait.

Arrivals and departures. Image by Engin Yapici on Unsplash