“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom…” (Proverbs 9:10). I was a child with childlike faith, starting to read my new red Bible on my own.
And Proverbs was my favorite.
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom…” (Proverbs 9:10). I was a child with childlike faith, starting to read my new red Bible on my own.
And Proverbs was my favorite.
“I don’t read the Old Testament,” she said. “I don’t like it. It’s too bloody.” She cited the blood of battle and sacrifice.
Her words followed my announcement that our small group would be studying passages in the Old Testament.
And I knew what she was talking about. You don’t have to read very far before there it is again.
Blood and sacrifice.
In the long dark, we cannot see. Fog obscures the way ahead in a difficult situation. It’s complicated. A strange labyrinth of deceit. What are we to do?
We’ve prayed. For years. Crying out to the Lord our God. Pleading for the deceived to be set free. The broken healed.
Solutions offered but resisted. Denied. Every avenue tried, fruitless.
What are we to do?