Through the years, Paul’s description rings true. God forms the earthen vessel for a purpose.
To display His truth. Reveal His glory.
Somewhere along the way 2 Corinthians 4:7 becomes a life verse for me. A reminder of my weakness and His strength. What I’m here for.
But one year, I wrestle with that image. In a new way. Because someone I always consider strong is suddenly weak.

1983. The phone rings. I’m living in the Fort Worth area at the time. A close friend and I are back in school. Working on our Masters.
I answer. The voices on the other end sound far away. And they are.
My parents are serving in Indonesia. And in those days, an unscheduled international phone call usually means one thing. Emergency.
It is. A medical emergency. My mother is experiencing some unexplained symptoms. They’ve flown to Singapore. But have been told, “Go to America.”
For further tests.
I hang up feeling shaky. Uncertain. Fearful.
Cindy and I pray for Mom. And pray.
Earthen vessel
The unknown continually rises in my thoughts. What’s going to happen? Will she get well? Will they be able to go back?
But in the midst of these questions, the Lord brings that life verse to mind.
“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels,
so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God,
and not from ourselves.”
And eventually the lyrics of a song form. Comforting. Sustaining.
Earthen Vessel by susan lafferty
(Fort Worth, 1983—During Mom’s illness–2 Corinthians 4)
Earthen vessel, born of God—
He has fashioned you that way,
And there is purpose in the weakness of your frame.
Earthen vessel, you are chosen of God.
Earthen vessel, loved by God—
He knows you cannot stand alone,
And He is there to be your fortress and your Rock.
Earthen vessel, you are chosen of God.
Though the stormy wind may push you hard,
And you’ve fallen in despair—
Just remember
Who renews you from the inside!
The world will know it’s His light
Shining through.
Earthen vessel, you are His—
Sanctified for holy use.
And there are people who have never seen the Light.
Earthen vessel, you are chosen of God
To live,
To serve.
(To hear this song, go to
2 Corinthians 4
Mom eventually returns to good health and they are able to go home to Indonesia.
But I never see 2 Corinthians 4 in quite the same way again.
Truly. Outwardly we are wasting away.
But inwardly we are being renewed day by day by day.
What about you?
Have you experienced “earthen vessel” realities in your life? How has the Lord taught you? Sustained and comforted?
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11 replies on “Earthen vessel”
My first thought when I saw the title – “did she include the song?” One of my very favorites! Thank you!
My favorite!!! Thanks for sharing how the Lord gave you this song!!
You’re welcome 🙂
Yes Susan, We relate to this today, but God is good and we rest in his power and promises!
Praying for you two today. Grace to you in this season.
It is wonderful how God meets us RIGHT WHERE WE ARE! Thanks for sharing this story and song!
He is FAITHFUL. Grace to you, sister.
My most favorite song of yours, Susan. Such a blessing! Relating to the words today. Thank you.
One of my favorites. I think of this often especially as we grow older, our parents grow older, our friends grow older. I love v. 8-9, too. “We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.”
Amen. Thanks for sharing those verses!