Devotional Memoir


Death is the deep shadow. 

Chasm of uninvited separation. Abrupt change. And tangible loss. 

I miss Mom’s voice. Her hugs. Her laugh. And her interest in every little detail. Her focus on what is true and good. Her enthusiasm for learning and growing. Her love for God, His Word. And her example in faithful prayer.

This week would have been her 93rd birthday on earth. 

Chasm. Image by Brandon Griggs on Unsplash.


Sorrow threads through these past months after her death. Reading Genesis at the start of the year, I’m reminded of God’s original, intended design.

And how the sin committed in the garden of Eden changed everything. Sowing lies. Fear. Shame. Pride. Jealousy. Hate. Murder.

The list grows on and on.

Brokenness became the atmosphere of the world. The setting of our hearts. 

So much pain. And certain death.


But into that shadow steps our Redeemer, who died on a cross and was resurrected that we might live. 

Into the darkness rides the One who is called Faithful and True.

He is with us in loss. We grieve, but not as those who have no hope.

He comforts where there is no rhyme or reason for peace. He holds fast His followers and speaks the gospel that is the power of God for salvation.

Praise God, Mom is with her Lord and Savior. 

“O death, where is your victory…?” (1 Corinthians 15:55)

What about you?

Have you been through the valley of the shadow of death? How has the Lord comforted you in loss?

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6 replies on “Death”

It’s right and good to miss your precious mom and lament death. And you also remember to hope. ❤️

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