Devotional Making Disciples


Stop the nonstop. 

Wait. Breathe.

Be still and know that He is God. 

Not an easy sell to busy minds. Crowded calendars. Never-ending notifications. 

But necessary.


Stop the nonstop. Image by Denys Argyriou on Unsplash.

Stop the nonstop

Stop the nonstop. With listening prayer. 


Remember. I am His.

Rehearse. His unfailing Truth and faithful promises. Give Him praise.

Regain. Perspective of His purpose.

Renew. Commitment to His ways.


He is God

In the stopping. And extended stillness. Clarity returns.

The Lord, He is God. High and lifted up.

Strong. Sovereign. Shepherd.

And worthy of my everything. 

I will stop the nonstop.

And trust in Him alone.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart 
And do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight.”
Proverbs 3:5-6 NASB

What about you?

Have you taken opportunities lately to stop and be still before the Lord? How often do you take extended time with Him in the Word and prayer and silence? What has been helpful to you in this practice?

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6 replies on “Nonstop”

breathe…in the midst of “to do”, daily living, extended, appointments, medical, therapies, discerning the important from the non important, pray…listen…rest. ahhh a good word for today. He is faithful

conversation for another day…
I had a stroke last October…recovered well except for ever present vertigo (that I navigate well) and some migraine issues. but functioning at a fast and full pace (well maybe a little slower) as ever.
navigating Geralds alzheimers .
love you all so much.
we will be great grandparents in February😘

I love silence! Listening to birds and insects as I walk in the early morning refreshes me. I’m slowly learning to take that “listening heart” into the activity of the day.

Did a study on prayer and silence. It was great and I was trying to sit in silence for a bit every week, but got out of the habit. Want to get back into it.

I would love to hear from you!

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