Devotional Making Disciples


False prophecy. False claims.

Rampant in Old Testament days. And today.

Hananiah uses the lingo of a true prophet. Sounding official.

“This is what the Lord of Armies, the God of Israel says…. This is the Lord’s declaration…. This is what the Lord says…” (Jeremiah 28:2,4,11).

But he’s using the Lord’s name in vain.

False prophet Hananiah. Jeremiah 28.

False proclamation

Hananiah stands bold in this false proclamation. 

Speaking to Jeremiah “in the temple of the Lord in the presence of the priests and all the people” (Jeremiah 28:1).


Is this for show? To be “prophet of the year” by prophesying restoration and return from exile? The destruction of Nebuchadnezzar’s yoke? 

Surely this is God’s will, right? It makes everyone feel better, anyway.

But Jeremiah calls him out.

“The Lord did not send you, but you have led these people to trust in a lie… you have preached rebellion against the Lord…” (Jeremiah 28:15-16).

False words

Hananiah is deadly wrong. Deceiving and leading people astray. 

Because, guess what? Nebuchadnezzar is part of God’s sovereign plan.

And he’s not a wooden yoke like the one Hananiah breaks from Jeremiah’s neck to illustrate his false words. 

No, Nebuchadnezzar is an iron yoke.

That only God can break.

Ask the Lord

These days. Strange days of amplified voices speaking virtually here, there, and everywhere. With various persons claiming to know what’s going down. While others repost. Replay. Re-tell.

False claims go viral.

In these days, ask the Lord for wisdom and discernment. Don’t play into hysteria and doomsday predictions.

Abide in Christ through prayer and the Word. Pay attention to what is true. 

God will not be mocked.

What about you?

How do you remember to pay attention to the Truth? How has the Lord taught you discernment?

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RumorPaths and prophetsDeliberateGospel clarityDeclaration – 

Jeremiah 28

3 replies on “False”

I’m often discouraged by what is happening now and then I read OT passages and the Epistles and remember this world has always been broken. We just know the brokenness on an epic level. Praise God that HE has always been bigger!

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