Devotional Making Disciples


Social media fires up and spreads the latest controversy. Rumor and riot. Running viral through the internet. 

Conspiracy theories take on a life of their own. 

And the web confuses. Disorients with half-truths. Often hurtful and hateful. 

Rumor mill. Image by Stephen Petrey on Unsplash.


Funny thing about half-truths.

They sound plausible. But in reality they serve deception. Feed the lie.

James says, “Consider how a small fire sets ablaze a large forest. And the tongue is a fire…” (James 3:5,6).

What would he say today? About fiery words on the world wide web?


Nehemiah faces deceitful opposition tactics. The enemy uses rumor to intimidate and discourage completion of the city wall.

They’ve already set up guards to thwart physical attack. Now this.

Here’s a Nehemiah tweet for you: “There is nothing to these rumors you are spreading; you are inventing them in your own minds” (Nehemiah 6:8).

But in the end, how does he handle it? As he has throughout the process. 

He prays. 

Rumor mill

Paul arrives in Jerusalem. And the rumor mill is in full operation.

Fellow Jews keep spreading a false message. That he’s teaching diaspora Jews the unthinkable. To stop practicing their laws and customs.

It’s enough fuel to start a riot.

And it does.

In the chaos, Paul is taken into custody. But gains permission and speaks. Using this opportunity to share his testimony of salvation. [Acts 21-22]

Humble ourselves

We can’t source truth and direction from viral opinions or multiplied hearsay.  And we can’t fight fire with fire in the face of personal attacks. 

But we can humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God. 

And pray. Seek His face. 

Abiding in the One who gives peace that the world cannot give. 

His Word

Rumor mills continue stirring up storms of chatter. Words that distract. Discourage. Destroy. 

But His Word reminds us what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, praiseworthy.

And His gospel changes the direction of our conversations. From death to life. Keeping us anchored in what matters for eternity.

It’s a message worth sharing.

Day by day by day.

What about you?

Do you ever find yourself scrolling through the rumor mill?  How are you standing firm and speaking the truth?

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9 replies on “Rumor”

I’m limiting my social media because it brings anger and anxiety more than fun. Reading Ecclesiastes is helpful-seeing that there is nothing new under the sun!

Nehemiah tweet! Yes!!! He has the Words of life! Thank you for writing and reminding us of them!

I came to the conclusion during my years of leadership a theory that seems to feed the rumor mill–“Why resort to truth when perception fulfills your purpose?” Also, I was constantly running into the explanation that ” perception is the cruelest form of reality.” My response: perception is not reality; only truth is reality. We should never assume the accuracy of communication but always have grace to allow the benefit of doubt until truth is confirmed.

What a powerful insight! “Why resort to truth when perception fulfills your purpose” explains so much about motive and method in the rumor mill. Thank you for sharing this and that “only truth is reality.” Amen.

Susan, thank you for this solid reminder of where to look (up) when rumors are rife. Please let Jerry R. know that I’m in a beautiful place and wonder if he and Bobbie might want to visit sometime!

I always remember Eph. 4:29 “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up, according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” I also feel a check in my spirit. I’ve learned that prayer requests about people can also be thinly veiled gossip so I’ve learned to think about what I’m saying and what I’m sharing. I’m not perfect and rumor/gossip is often entertaining to listen to. I can’t escape listening sometimes, but I can choose not to pass things on. I’ve noticed when I pass on gossip or half-truths it’s more to make myself look better than anything. So that’s selfish.

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