Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples

Chart the future

Sometimes we want to chart the future. Check out the land first. See if it’s a good fit. 

And while the fruit is inviting, enemies can seem awfully big. Cities and their barriers, overwhelming. 

So we hem and haw. Hesitate to go.

Step back from the border.

Chart the future. Image by Andrew Ridley on Unsplash.


Change can be awfully scary in hazy unknowns. 

Why not craft obedience to fit my terms? With these rights and those amenities. On this particular time schedule. 

Why not chart the future in that certain country or city or neighborhood?

It’s tempting.

But surrender means surrender. Partial obedience is no obedience. 

And denying self—yes, learning how to die daily to my wants—changes everything.

Chart the future

So, we take a step. Walk forward into the ever-shifting path of unpredictable. 

But led, taught, held by our God. 

He is the One who remains the same. 

Unchanging. Faithful. True.

And we let Him who knows the end from the beginning chart the future. 

What about you?

Have you ever tried to chart your own future? How has the Lord taught you to trust His plans?

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5 replies on “Chart the future”

How many times have I written my own plan! How painful it is when His plan is different and I have to let go! How good His plan is!! Better than I would have imagined! I’m slowly learning to wait and watch and listen. Trusting His Love is my confidence.

I have to “Take a step, see a step” as Ron Hutchcraft says. It is about Trusting God🙏

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