Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

Best-laid plans

My mother’s response when things didn’t go as planned? 

I can hear it now. 

“The best-laid plans of mice and men…” her voice trails off. Not completing the quote from the poet, Robert Burns. 

But I know. And the words run through my head.

“…often go awry.”

Best-laid plans go awry. Image by Robert Linder on Unsplash.

Urgent prayer

It goes through my mind today. As I read urgent prayer requests from across the world. 

Sudden unexplained illness. Or children becoming violently sick. All at once. Before necessary travel.

Cancellation of official permits to live and work in a country. 

Attempts to rent a living space, rejected. Again and again.

Serious threats. Arrests. War. 

Devastating earthquakes.

“The best-laid plans of mice and men….”

Sent ones

These requests come from sent ones. 

Some adjusting to new cultures.  Others who’ve served for years.

All pouring their hearts into learning local ways and language. Into people.

They live out the gospel purposefully in the new and different. Making it home.

Upside down

Then, every-day life turns upside down. 

The new normal is taken from them. 

Children’s school disrupted. 

Relationships cut off in unforeseen evacuations.

And these sent ones must leave fresh or established routines and ministries. Friends.

Abruptly. Without warning.

Best-laid plans

“Certain uncertainty,” I hear the preacher call it. 

The best-laid plans, up in the air.

And we can only turn our eyes to the one Certainty. Our Lord and our God. 

The One who knows tomorrow. And holds us fast today. 

He is the Shepherd. Tender toward the young and the old. Singles. Couples. And families.  

Perfect faithfulness

He sees each one’s emotions. Fears. Losses.

The deep longings. For stability.

And we can trust Him.

The best-laid plans that will not change are His. 

“Lord, you are my God;
I will exalt you. I will praise your name,
for you have accomplished wonders,
plans formed long ago, with perfect faithfulness.”
Isaiah 25:1

What about you?

Have you experienced a sudden change to your best-laid plans? How did the Lord steady your feet? And reveal His perfect faithfulness?

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5 replies on “Best-laid plans”

Susan, my mom also quoted that line from Robert Burns: “The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men Gang aft agley” – I thought it was so intriguing, and I love the poem it is taken from. The last stanza describes what I am tempted to do rather than look to my Father who is ready to help:
Still, thou art blest, compar’d wi’ me!
The present only toucheth thee:
But Och! I backward cast my e’e,
On prospects drear!
An’ forward tho’ I canna see,
I guess an’ fear!
Thank you for another challenging post. I think I am most challenged by “CHANGE” — things I have held dear CHANGE. Culture CHANGES. Relationships CHANGE. Health CHANGES. Work CHANGES as we retire. Bodies CHANGE and AGE. Even grammar rules CHANGE! And, although I have always embraced change (that I perceive as good!), as I get older, it becomes more challenging. So, thanks for the reminder that “He is the Shepherd. Tender toward the young and the old.”

Susan, I too can say that CHANGE is CHALLENGING! However, we are promised that our Lord God is CONSTANT. He is the SAME, yesterday, today and FOREVER! What a reassuring promise…that I rely on. Thank you for reminding, challenging and encouraging me each week. So thankful our paths crossed for a time.

This morning I was praying for God’s grace to follow His timing. I remember that we were created for Eden and all of us have deep longings that are “not yet”. Praise God that His plans are faithful and true!

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