Living water flows out through the east gate. In Ezekiel’s vision.
Getting larger. Deeper. The further he walks.
Fruitful, leafy trees line this ever-growing river of life. Providing for the needs of the people.
And revealing what’s to come.

Living water
Remember the words of Jesus, God’s One and Only Son. The Word who became flesh and tabernacled among us, full of grace and truth (John 1:14).
He attends the Feast of Tabernacles. In Jerusalem.
And on the last and most important day of the festival, He stands up. Cries out.
“‘If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. The one who believes in me, as the Scripture has said, will have streams of living water flow from deep within him.’ He said this about the Spirit. Those who believed in Jesus were going to receive the Spirit….”
John 7:37-39
The thread of Messiah. Flowing through the Old Testament into the New. Never ceasing to amaze me.
Mystery intertwined in the forthright truth. Spoken by the prophets.
Words the people heard and studied all of their lives. Suddenly present. Happening in the here and now. Staring them in the face.
Surprising and disconcerting.
How could He be the One?
But He is. He was. He is to come.
River of life
In Revelation, the Bible’s final chapter begins with living water.
John sees “the river of the water of life, clear as crystal…” (Revelation 22:1).
Flowing from the throne. Down the middle of Main Street. In the glorious City.
And the tree of life. Somehow present on both sides of this river.
Bearing twelve kinds of fruit every month.
And its leaves? Bringing healing to the nations.
Words of life
In Ezekiel’s vision the ever-deepening river brings life wherever it goes. (Ezekiel 47:9) And today, His living water flows from deep within His people.
If we abide in Christ and He abides in us, we will bear much fruit. Growing and thriving. For without Him? We can do nothing. (John 15:5)
His Spirit equips us to carry the words of Life to lost and dying image-bearers.
Shining Light in the dark places. Sharing Good News of true healing for the broken.
And we look forward to the city that is to come. Where someday we’ll gather around that throne. With people from every nation, tribe, people, language.
Let the river of life flow.
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6 replies on “River of life”
We have been studying corporate prayer in my local gathering. One of the reminders was to “stand in awe” of God’s presence among us and pray bold “show us Your glory” prayers! My heart cries out for us to drink deeply of Him!
Amen, sister.
This is one of the themes in the helpful new book: A Praying Church by Paul Miller.
Thank you for this recommendation! His writings on prayer have been so helpful.
Susan, I recently heard your name at the memorial service for Bill and Audrey Cowley. I guess you were there, but no one had name tags! I am a long time member at Shades Crest and active in WMU. Did you ever attend Shades Crest or did I just hear you speak sometime? Undoubtedly, I prayed for you on the Prayer Calendar for many years.
Hi Pam, I wasn’t there but sent a memory I had of the Cowleys😊. My parents furloughed in one of the Shades Crest houses in the 80s and I visited your church then. Thank you for your prayers!