Devotional Making Disciples

Truth interrupts

Emptiness grows. In the stained-glass halls of deluded prophets and shepherds. 

Those who speak visions from their own minds. Of their own making. 

Instead of delivering the true and unchanging Word of God. 

Reading Jeremiah, I see this. 

And watch how truth interrupts compromise.

Truth interrupts and shines light. Image by Brian Erickson on Unsplash.

Place of confusion

The spiritual leaders in that day offer hollow, unsubstantiated peace. To people who continually follow their own way. (Jeremiah 23:16-18)

Perpetuating the notion that immorality and disobedience are no big deal. 

But the Lord sends Jeremiah to stand in the temple courtyard. 

To the very place of confusion. Where priests and prophets speak their own version of truth.

Do not hold back

And God instructs him, “Speak all the words I have commanded you to speak.” 

Not in part. But the whole. All.

And then. As though to emphasize that last point: “Do not hold back a word.” (Jeremiah 26:2)

Jeremiah obeys. 

Tells it like it is.



The prophet is seized and threatened. But escapes death that day. 

His fellow prophet does not. Uriah also prophesies the truth. 

And the king executes him. (Jeremiah 26:20-23)

Truth interrupts

Truth interrupts ease. 

Calling out the masquerade. Rebuking the disobedient. And those who coddle them.

So I watch and learn. 

From the courage of Jeremiah. Uriah. Others who stand up and stand firm.

No compromise.

“Be alert, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong.
Do everything in love.”
1 Corinthians 16:13-14 CSB

What about you?

How have you seen the truth of God’s word interrupt compromise? Whose example teaches you about standing firm in the gospel?

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6 replies on “Truth interrupts”

Human tradition always falls short of God’s plan. In a season of uncertainty, we need to hear His voice!

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