Trees. Luminous in the forest. As the dying begins.
Letting go. Piece by piece. Leaf by leaf.
Orange. Yellow. Red.
Beautiful. And certain.
Seasons change.

Wind and rain
Autumn wind sweeps in on sunny days. Racing through trees. Pressing against windows.
Numerous leaves break free. Lift and swirl. Scattering through yards and meadows. Alleys and avenues.
Then. From grey skies. Here comes the rain. Cold. Relentless.
Last leaves droop. Brown in their staying.
Bare branches highlight the stubborn ones. Clinging still.
Serve the path
Fallen leaves somehow serve and soften the path we walk through the woods.
Laced, leveled. One upon another. Covering rock and root. Insulating the ground through ice and snow. Winter.
On our daily route, we stop and notice. Then look up. And see crooked, crossed, curving branches.
Trees that remain. Stark, dark outlines against the grey.
Seasons change
We surrender as seasons change.
Dying. To our agenda for productivity. Letting the pieces fall. Silent in their landing.
Exposed at times. Vulnerable.
But we remain. Rooted in the soil of His Word. Indwelt by His Spirit. Praying through wind and rain and silence.
Somehow firm. Held fast. Through the waiting and walking.
Next season
We abide in Christ.
And one day. Mysteriously. The smallest leaves and tender buds appear.
By faith we know the new is always coming. Next season is on the way.
But sometimes we need reminders. Leaf and branch. Wind and rain. Trees that remain. And grow through the silence of winter darkness. Sudden signs of new life.
Speaking hope as seasons change.
“Remain in Me, and I in you.
Just as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself but must remain in the vine, so neither can you unless you
remain in Me.”
John 15:4 NASB2020
What about you?
Do seasons change where you live? What has encouraged your heart as you walk and wait through changing seasons?
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3 replies on “Seasons change”
Dying to my agenda of productivity….OUCH! Father has taught me about this in these months of restrictions. I’m impatient for change, and yet I know I am well cared for.
Seasons definitely change. Fall has become my favorite. It ends the heat of summer. In dying the leaves give off such beautiful colors. These colors really stand out on cloudy days. It gives me hope. Winter is a good season especially if there is snow. I’ve also learned that the cold is necessary to help some fruit/veggies to grow well. Spring is always welcome with new green sprouting and flowers, of course. It gives hope. Summer may be my least favorite, but it has it’s charms, too. Not having to bundle up, being able to go swimming/wading, etc.
Yes, each season has it’s “charms”–but I’m with you on summer. Especially those really hot days!