The candle flame moves. Flickers. Casting large shadows on the walls. I sit in the edges of its light.
All the celebrations of last week give way to winter quiet. Time to remember and reflect. Looking towards the future.
In past seasons there was little time for this quiet space. A long one, anyway. The season of raising three young children comes to mind.
Even then, the hurry in my soul needed me to sit. Rest. Looking to the One who knows my days.

The new year approaches. And with it, reminders of the unfinished. The incomplete. Resolutions that petered out in the freight train of responsibilities and the unexpected this year.
So, in the quiet, I release these expectations into His hands.
The candle flickers, but the Lord’s lamp shines steady. Sure. Searching the innermost parts.
His lamp illuminates darkness. Seeks out the secret compartments and hidden recesses that need to be opened. Exposed. Flung wide to the truth. (Proverbs 20:27)
I confess sins. Fear of what others think. Pride that hinders the gospel going forth. Independence that relies on my strength, not the Lord or His Bride. Lack of trust that He is in control.
And He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins, cleansing us from all unrighteousness. Rejoice! (1 John 1:9)
Next step
The candle flame is warm. Inviting. With just enough illumination to see what’s right in front of me.
His Word is warmth and light in a cold darkness. Ever inviting me to the Truth. A lamp for my feet and a light on my path. Always. (Psalm 119:105)
For today. For the next step.
Sometimes I want to know more than I’m given that day. And I ask for details. But He always gives what I need. Enough.
So part of this pause is renewing my commitment. To abide in Christ through prayer and the Word. Daily. And trust His provision.
Before I peruse and trust anything else at my fingertips.
Simply trust
I confess that setting goals for the next year is not my favorite. I like the idea of it. See the wisdom of it. And make attempts at it.
I admire those who do this well. And can see what they accomplish as a result.
Maybe it’s my tendency to feel defeated before I even start. Which points again to pride and fear. And a lack of dependence on the One who knows the way.
So today I wait on the Lord with “simplicity of soul.” As Spurgeon puts it.
Simply trusting. Leaning against Him. Listening. Waiting.
In the edges of the candlelight.
What about you?
Have you found a place of quiet to prepare for the new year? Those with small children, where do you find your “pause”? What have you found useful for setting annual goals?
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7 replies on “Reflect and trust”
This was a very timely word for me. Thank you.
I’m glad, sister. His grace…
I also struggle to set goals for the year. 2020 seems daunting.
Trusting with you. Kyrie Eleison 😊
Thank you for articulating my feelings also. I usually choose a verse for the new year, but I have failed to do so this year. The same with two goals for the year ahead With your promoting I will do it. Appreciate you so much.
Thanks, Evelyn. Mom taught me to choose a verse for the year. I’ve found that helpful for keeping focused. I’m waiting and listening for 2020’s verse. Grace to you.
“Simply trusting. Leaning against Him. Listening. Waiting.
In the edges of the candlelight.”
Yes! Sometimes it is work but also relaxing at the same time!! Thanks Susan! So good for 2022!