Devotional Memoir


Words. Wrestling through antiquated phrasing and sentence structure in classic devotional books engages my mind. Pushes me to discern. 

New versions come out to simplify the flow for today’s reader.

But I’m drawn back to the original way it was written. How sentences were crafted in that era. 

It makes me think about what I’m reading.

A treasure of words

The Word of God. This treasure of words flowed onto the scrolls by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Through various people with differing skillsets. Across a span of many centuries. 

Prophet. Psalmist. Shepherd. Fisherman. Scholar. Leader. Exile. King. Servant. Teacher. Doctor. Prisoner. Church planter. Writing down what God breathed to them. 


As I read through this treasure in modern translations, I’m often drawn to the footnotes. 

The translators make a note every now and then. Of the literal interpretation. 

And the literal phrases fill out the meaning for me. Sometimes they make me laugh.

“Listen closely” in Proverbs is literally “stretch out your ear.” A humorous mental picture of the effort involved. To truly listen and hear the wisdom of the Lord.

Consider the words

There’s something about the pauses. As I read and consider the words in the Word. 

My tendency to rush on through is interrupted. 

And I wait. Thinking it through. Figuring out what is being communicated. 

What they meant then. 

What it means now.

Reveals the Word

And there’s more. Something else going on in the reading and the listening. 

The Holy Spirit. Wonderful Counselor. 

He illuminates the Word. Makes known. Instructs. Reveals.

Not only teaching how this Word spoke in the day it was written. But also how it speaks now. Convicting of sin and righteousness. 

Informing the daily routine and paths we take. 

Truth remains

Truth pours through the pauses. The intervals. The turn of phrase. 

And Truth remains.

The clutter of words and grammar and phrasing from other centuries changes. Languages evolve. Definitions shift. 

But Truth remains.

Stretch out your ear and hear.

What about you?

What is He teaching you to treasure in His Word? 

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5 replies on “Words”

Yesterday’s sermon by a young man 20+ years younger than me challenged my heart in fresh ways! The Holy Spirit at work is wonderful to experience!

Yes! Yes! Yes! The phrase in Ephesians 1:18 “the eyes of your heart” gave me “pause material” for a long period last week… plus prayer material for some people about whom I am concerned. I admit to lip-reading, then pausing to listen/think because it helps me get the meaning of the W/words. .

I can’t believe I went 20+ years without taking a strong consideration of the footnotes. This is the first year I have really acknowledged their significance. It opens up many other layers to the Scriptures. Thank you for your thoughtful words!

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