Abiding in Christ. It seems like a given. The common, daily practice of a follower of Jesus.
But in the midst of vision casting and formulating strategies for work and life, abiding in Christ too easily moves to the periphery.
We may take it for granted. Give it only lip service.

A simple strategy
A number of years ago our leadership team overseas formed a simple strategy. It was basic, yet beyond our own abilities. Memorable and reproducible.
It still informs the way I do life today.
And the first piece of that strategy? The piece that is foundational for everything else?
“Abiding in Christ through prayer and the Word.”
Simple. Strategic. Life-giving.
Crossing cultures
I remember waking up in a new country. Feeling somewhat adrift in wilderness surroundings. Far from our sisters and brothers in the faith who had encouraged and kept me accountable in the past.
The props were gone.
Funny how I didn’t really notice what was available until it was absent.
There were no radio stations playing worship music in the car. No Christian materials available in bookstores. No fellowships on nearly every corner.
Abiding daily through prayer and God’s Word made the difference as I crossed into all that was new.
I found my stability in Christ.
Abiding connects
Abiding in the Vine connects me to my Source of Life and Breath. And the very essence of that connection to the Vine is crucifixion.
His. And mine.
Christ’s death on the cross makes it possible. And my ongoing Luke 9:23 surrender keeps it front and center.
Denying self, taking up the cross on a daily basis. Taking up the instrument of death that I might truly live in and for Him.
Praying and spending time in God’s Word informs and confirms my connection to Him.
Abiding sustains
We serve with the vision of Revelation 7:9 before us. People from every nation, tribe, people and language someday worshiping before the Throne.
The vastness of the task can seem impossible. Our eyes see the multitudes on crowded streets and in various places worshiping every other name except His.
The daily struggle of learning language and adjusting cross-culturally is daunting. How will we ever communicate the most important message in the world in a way they can understand?
Overwhelming. Until we remember to abide. Through prayer and the Word.
This tried and true practice simplifies things. Gives us perspective on a daily basis.
Sustains us moment by moment as we seek Him and walk in obedience to His truth revealed.
Abiding leads to fruitfulness
Abiding in Christ reminds us Whose we are. That without Him we can do nothing.
We are dependent on Him for direction and purpose. He equips and empowers us through the Holy Spirit.
And the fruitfulness that results doesn’t always look like what I imagine. A tree full of apples which everyone can see.
Sometimes it’s fruit borne in wilderness and drought. Invisible to others, perhaps—but fruit, just the same. The work of His hand in and through us.
Abiding always
We often say to those starting the cross-cultural journey, as they’re learning strategy and setting goals, “If you know of nothing else to do when you wake up in the morning, you know to pray for the lost. Abide in Christ through prayer and the Word.”
That’s the firm foundation for everything else. Abiding always.
What about you?
How have you connected abiding in Christ with strategy in your life and work?
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4 replies on “Abiding in Christ”
Indeed God nothing is more important than abiding in the place of abode, which is the presence of God. The Lord will guide our hearts as we spend time of fellowship with him through prayer and bible study.
Amen. No matter where we live, we are at Home as we abide in His presence. Thank you for reading.
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