Devotional Making Disciples

Walk by faith

Walk by faith? No matter what’s going on around me?

Somedays, I need to breathe a deep breath. Then take that first step. 

It only takes one in the right direction to focus my heart. 

Leaving behind preconceived to-do lists. Agendas. And turning to the one thing. Abiding in Christ.

Walk by faith. Image by Chris Hardy on Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples

All we need

We have all we need. 

For life. Godliness. And walking by faith in this day and age.

We’re given His Spirit. God’s Word. Prayer. The fellowship of believers. 

Every advantage. 

All we need. Image by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples Memoir

Stone hearts

Soul exhaustion sets in. Unexpected. 

Byproduct from observing those who scorn the cross. And reject the gospel.

Stone heart resistance catches my breath. 

So, I pray.

Stone hearts. Image by Andy Makely on Unsplash.