Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples

daily abiding

Only one thing teaches me God’s will.

And gets me out of my own preconceived ideas. About what I can and cannot do. Or who I am. Where I need to be. 

Only one practice. One way of living and breathing. Teaching me His greater purpose and meaningful plan.

Daily abiding in the Vine, Christ Jesus. 

Learning this necessary truth takes time and effort. Surrender. 

But sooner or later, I clearly see. 

Only He is the root and sustainer. The source of true life and fruitfulness. 

Abiding in the vine. Image by Amos Bar Zeev, on Unsplash.
Devotional Memoir

Beauty of timing

On a drive. After rain. Mist and fog still hang in the air. Limiting the view ahead. 

But our eyes glance to the sides of the road. And we see. The beauty of timing.

Revealed. All along the way. Shining in the dark. Through woods, green and deep.

Dogwood in bloom.

Dogwood in bloom. Image by Isabella and Louisa Fischer on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Devotional


Airport chairs. In the transit area. 

Exhaustion weighs heavy in this middle place. This confined space.

And after the 17-hour flight across the Pacific, we mark time. Until boarding begins. For our next destination. 

No longer living in the former place. Not yet setting foot in the new space. Caught in between. 


Transit area. Image by S Lafferty.