Crossing Cultures Making Disciples

Gospel clarity

Speaking the gospel with clarity is necessary. Crossing cultures, we learn to think about the way we share. So that it’s understood.

Distorted perceptions of the gospel put up barriers. Foster misleading rumors. Confusing those who live in spiritual darkness. Sometimes for generations.

One volunteer team encountered a false perception as they provided disaster relief.

Speaking truth with clarity. Image by Jon Tyson on Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples

Rhythm and order

Rhythm and order. Discipline. With a pattern specifically laid out for God’s people in the Old Testament.

Daily. Weekly. Monthly. Annually. 

With sacrifices. Sacred assemblies. Festivals. 

Divinely-designed schedules. Reminding them to remember. And honor the Lord their God. 

As a people set apart for His glory. 

Rhythm and order. A woman in South Asia reads her Bible. Image from
Devotional Making Disciples

The cross

The cross. 

Reserved for the god-forsaken. 

Destination of lawless ones. Convicted of stirring up insurrection. And strategizing destruction. 

Those rehearsing murder or thievery as a way of life deserve this end. 

So they say. 

The cross. Image by Aaron Burden on Unsplash.