Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

He is enough

We walk this path. Step by step. A path marked by altars along the way. Holding significant stories of surrender. Set in certain places, at particular times.

Personal experiences. Where God settles the question lingering in the thick of things. Opens eyes to see. Moves hearts to know.

He is enough. 

One such altar on my faith journey took place mid-day. In a Karachi summer. 

Sun in the desert. Image by David Law on Unsplash.

All we cannot see

The new year approaches.
And we’re looking sideways at the year that was. 

Planned calendar undone.
Change unexpected.
Grief unwanted.

Up close and personal reminders
of all we do not know. 
All we cannot see. 

All we cannot see. Image by Annie Spratt on Unsplash.


Shoeless. Face to the ground. On the plains of Jericho. 

This. After Joshua stares at the man standing there with sword drawn. Equipped for battle. 

This. After he asks the critical question: “Are you for us or for our enemies?” (Joshua 5:13ff)

Whose side are you on? Can I trust you? Should I fight against you?

Shoeless. Image by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash.