Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

Handful of disciples

After the Resurrection. After the coming of the Holy Spirit. The Lord uses a handful of disciples. 

Making His way known through the few. 

Living sacrifices. Faithfully taking the gospel to Jerusalem. Judea. Samaria. And the ends of the earth.

They’re the talk of the Roman Empire.

To the ends of the earth. Image by Kirk Lai on Unsplash.
Devotional Memoir


In flight, I glance out the window. Plane views offering perspective. Patterns visible from 20,000+ feet. 

As a kid, I begged for a seat by the window. Delighting in views as we gained altitude. 

Watching tiny cars travel small, neat lanes. Between miniature houses all lined up in rows. Rivers curving, shining in the sun through cities and countrysides. 

Fields of various colors appearing so perfectly arranged. In squares and rectangles. 

On clear nights, myriads of lights indicated cities, towns, villages far below. Captivating. Spurring on my imagination.  

Perspective. Flying over the island of Malta.
Devotional Making Disciples

Dismayed by the demand

Ever dismayed by the demand?
Narrow door.
Only one way to
 the Father.
Denying self, 
taking up the cross daily.
So much surrender
the Kingdom of God.
Dismayed by the demand. Image by Keem Ibarra on Unsplash.