Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

The rest of the story

What happened? In the unknown, we wonder. What’s the rest of the story?

A specific encounter comes to mind. One seemingly orchestrated. Timely. A divine appointment with gospel flowing. 

And genuine interest on her part. Hunger to know. In fact, she relates a series of events. That have brought her to this point. This place. 

Sitting in my Karachi living room.

Next page of the story. Image by Florian Klauer on Unsplash.
Devotional Memoir

Wait for it

Over the holidays, we watch old movies together. 

“Wait for it….”

Expecting the coming punchline. Dialogue already in our heads. And on our lips. Story summoning memory. 

We anticipate what we’ve already seen. 

Wait for it…. Image by Joshua Earle on Unsplash
Devotional Making Disciples


As a young girl, I watched the Charlton Heston version of Ben Hur. And was drawn into the story so vividly told on the big screen. Awed by the way Jesus Christ figured into the fictional tale of Judah Ben Hur’s life.  

Ben Hur 1959 movie poster

Jesus kept appearing. Giving us glimpses into how His time on earth impacted people. It was mysterious and beautiful.

The newest version of Ben Hur was showing at theaters in the Asian country where we were living at the time. Before it was relegated to odd middle-of-the-night hours, we headed to the mall, purchased our popcorn and settled into a nearly empty theater to enjoy the movie.