Christmas season. Spent last year in a world-class city. One of our favorites.
All shiny and bright. Perfect lights. Colors on point.
Christmas soundtrack playing continually. In stores. And on the streets. Everywhere.
In an Asian city.

Christmas season. Spent last year in a world-class city. One of our favorites.
All shiny and bright. Perfect lights. Colors on point.
Christmas soundtrack playing continually. In stores. And on the streets. Everywhere.
In an Asian city.
Eclectic. “Composed of elements drawn from various sources. Synonyms: Assorted. Mixed. Ragtag. Varied.” (Merriam Webster Dictionary)
The term entered my vocabulary during Interior Design undergrad studies. And became the predominant style in our various homes over the years.
Local culture and prominent traditional hues. Availability in textiles and furniture. Differing patterns and color combinations. All these things dictated our interior decor. And changed my own perception of beauty and order.
The girl who couldn’t imagine deep reds in her color scheme, now embraces them.
Once again, Moses stands at the foot of Sinai. Also known as Horeb.
This time he’s not alone with the sheep.
But with a multitude. Led out of captivity.
A disobedient, fickle flock.