Crossing Cultures Memoir

New patterns

During our second month in Pakistan, our family of three traveled north to Murree. For a month of intensive language learning and cross-cultural adjustment. 

We stayed in one of several flats (apartments) that made up an old house on the side of the mountain. 

And began learning new patterns for living.

Language study. Shopping for groceries. Cooking with new ingredients. Boiling our drinking water. Washing clothes and hanging them on the line.

Breathing fresh mountain air eased the adjustments. New friends helped us find our way. 

Murree. 1992.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples

Why follow Jesus?

Why would someone risk their life to follow Jesus? Why give up all for Christ? 

Eternal life with Him. Of course. 

But so much more. 

Across the years, we move. Entering new places. Living and learning in various cultures where following Jesus may cost everything. 

And I consider a few of the many reasons for choosing Him. Why I can’t imagine life without my Lord. 

Now and forever.

Why follow Jesus? Image by Alekon Pictures on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples


Preconceived outcome 
Weakens the witness.
“Do you believe this is true?”
A simple question. 
One I can ask 
sharing the gospel.
But everything in my mind 
braces for resistance,
frequent rejections.
Anxious thoughts pile up. 
Expecting the “no.”
Preconceived outcome. Christina Woc on Unsplash.