Devotional Making Disciples


Leaving Egypt, God’s people learn His way.

They camp. And set out. At His command. In designated, orderly formation. (Numbers 9:18,23)

Following the Lord.

Following the Lord. Image by Brett Jordan on Unsplash.

Such as it is

Jars filled with water. Outwardly common. Inwardly plain. 

Others know what we’re made of. See the flaws. Rough edges. They remember the ordinary ways we walk and talk. 

But we surrender. To the One who receives this offering. 

Such as it is.

Such as it is. Simple jars. Image by Tom Crew on Unsplash
Devotional Making Disciples

Living in the unprecedented

Today is the day. Yes, today. While panic swirls in the atmosphere. Surging through conversations and broadcasts and social media. As a global pandemic  postpones, cancels, locks down.

Today is the day. To remember what is true. And focus on the lifeblood of this walk by faith. The only way we live and breathe and have our being.

Jesus invites us. Right in the middle of the normal and the upside down. Whether we’re walking through the ordinary or the unprecedented.

Abide in the Vine. Photo: Paul Lucyk, Unsplash