Crossing Cultures Memoir

Keeping a sense of humor

I took it for granted growing up. A sense of humor was encouraged and nurtured in our home.

Laughter has refreshed my heart often in the years since. And humor helps me endure. Persevere.  Through the mundane. And when the going gets tough.

Laughter in the Laff household.

Shouts and whispers

Lord God, Holy One.
We open Your Word,
and hear
the shouts and whispers
of Your Presence.

The voice of the Lord.
Devotional Uncategorized

The new year

Rise early in the morning. Just in time to walk out in the dark and witness the first edge of dawn. Pushing light against silhouetted trees, houses. Flooding pale hues of color across the sky. 

No matter what happened the day before, whatever is taking place in this season—somehow the break of day clears the dark.