Devotional Memoir

Now I belong

“Now I belong to Jesus…” 

As a child, learning to the play the piano, I’m drawn to the song’s chords and movement. 

Crescendos and decrescendos communicate the message musically. 

But lyrics repeated, settle in my heart. Comforting me with truth.

“Now I belong to Jesus.” And even at that young age I believe. There is security and safety in the arms of my Savior.

“Now I belong to Jesus.” Image by Clark Young on Unsplash.
Devotional Making Disciples

Make every effort

“Make every effort.” Peter repeats the phrase in his second letter.  Several times.

And in the conclusion, he combines it with an unexpected word. Counter-intuitive.  

“Therefore, dear friends, while you wait for these things, make every effort to be found without spot or blemish in His sight, at peace.” 2 Peter 3:14

Make every effort. While you wait.

Walk and wait. Image by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Making Disciples

Abiding in Christ

Abiding in Christ. It seems like a given. The common, daily practice of a follower of Jesus. 

But in the midst of vision casting and formulating strategies for work and life, abiding in Christ too easily moves to the periphery. 

We may take it for granted. Give it only lip service.

photo by nik macmillan on unsplash