Crossing Cultures Memoir

Night watch

Night watch. Our God neither slumbers nor sleeps (Psalm 121). 

And sometimes He wakes us in the night. To watch and pray. 

I remember when the two emails arrived. One after the other. To our inbox in Karachi.

Same time. Same message. Traveling across the world. From opposite sides of the United States. 

Night watch. Image by Edward Polo on Unsplash.
Crossing Cultures Devotional Memoir

Not so brave

People look at where you’ve been. Or where you’re headed. Noticing which trials have whipped or trudged through your life. 

And then decide you’ve got unusual fortitude. Courage. Perseverance to endure. 

“You’re so brave. I could never do that.”

I’m not so brave.

Earthen vessel. Image by Earl Wilcox on Unsplash.
Devotional Memoir

Keep your eyes on the goal

Tennis. I took lessons once upon a time. During my elementary school years. Early morning lessons to avoid the tropical midday heat of Surabaya. 

I learned how to hold the racket. Practiced forehand and backhand. And remember this advice, “Keep your eyes on the ball.” 

Somehow watching the ball instead of the court and other players and my racket meant I had a chance of hitting it across the net.

Attempting to play tennis.