Crossing Cultures Devotional

Entering the land

“What’s it like entering a new country and culture. How do you prepare?” Her questions take me back to the early days. Of crossing borders and dwelling in the land. 

My mother’s passport in the 1960s. Vintage. It includes my photograph and lists me as an accompanying minor.

My reading the next day is Joshua 1-4. God’s people are leaving their wilderness wanderings and entering the promised land. 

The context and purpose differs, but in the preparation of God’s people, I find strategic practices.  For entering the land. 

Whether that land is across the river, across the street or across the ocean. 


Surrender and worship

Picking through pieces of my journal, I come across a scattering of words. Spiraling down the page in quick succession. Heart cry detailing the inner work of surrender. Submission.  Worship.

Two hands, opened with palms up.
Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash