Crossing Cultures Making Disciples Memoir

Seem or be?

Seasoned servant. Leaving, after spending many years in the dark city by the river. Her parting advice to one of our colleagues is borne out of long experience in the spiritual battle. 

Those insightful words reach my ears at a retreat in the Himalayas. 

One phrase sticks in my heart. And comes to mind, from time to time.

“Do you want to seem holy? Or be holy?”

Dark city by the river. Image by Lewis J Goetz, Unsplash.

Such as it is

Jars filled with water. Outwardly common. Inwardly plain. 

Others know what we’re made of. See the flaws. Rough edges. They remember the ordinary ways we walk and talk. 

But we surrender. To the One who receives this offering. 

Such as it is.

Such as it is. Simple jars. Image by Tom Crew on Unsplash
Crossing Cultures Devotional

Entering the land

“What’s it like entering a new country and culture. How do you prepare?” Her questions take me back to the early days. Of crossing borders and dwelling in the land. 

My mother’s passport in the 1960s. Vintage. It includes my photograph and lists me as an accompanying minor.

My reading the next day is Joshua 1-4. God’s people are leaving their wilderness wanderings and entering the promised land. 

The context and purpose differs, but in the preparation of God’s people, I find strategic practices.  For entering the land. 

Whether that land is across the river, across the street or across the ocean.